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Track Record Will Make or Break Your Future
Creativity is a team sport. And if you want to win, you not only have to develop into a trustworthy person you must also discern who you can put your trust in.
In this series on Trust, I’ve been sharing my thoughts from Dr. Henry Cloud’s book "Trust" and combining it with the metaphor of a diamond because Trust has not 1 but 5 facets.
Today we'll be turning the diamond to 5th and final facet of Trust: Track Record and cover the critical areas: Prediction, Pattern, Practice
Learn Why Your Ability Can Break Trust (and How to Fix it)
Trust is the currency of life. And if you believe as I do that creativity is a team sport, Creators must not only understand, but master Trust if we want to create anything bigger than just our efforts can manage.
We’ve already looked at the facets of Understanding, and Motive. Today we turn the diamond to facet number 3: Ability.
Why Your Character is Key to Your Success
Character can been referred to as a personal makeup of how people deal with others, themselves and life. If you’re from the business world you may have heard this referred to as “soft skills”. But trust me, there is nothing soft about developing these skills. It can be very difficult but I believe absolutely worth it because it’s connected to trust which is the currency of life.
How to Fix Your Motive? All You Need is Love!
No matter how well someone may understand you, they can destroy your trust in a second, if you don’t vibe with their motive. And vice versa.
In this series on Trust, I’ve been sharing my thoughts from Dr. Henry Cloud’s book Trust and combining it with the metaphor of a diamond because Trust has not 1 but 5 facets. Understanding the different facets of trust can help us navigate relationships and foster meaningful connections. In this video, we'll be focusing on facet number 2: Motive.
Why is Understanding vial to your creative future?
In this series on Trust, I am combining the brilliant ideas in Dr. Cloud’s book “Trust” with the multi-faceted metaphor of a diamond. In this video we shall gaze upon the very first facet of Trust known as Understanding.
The reason understanding comes in first is because trust can’t even be established without it. Now if you’re like me, when I know that I know that I’m right and the other person is clearly wrong, my default action is to attempt to persuade the other person to my way of thinking. It makes sense from my viewpoint: I’m right, their wrong, convince them I’m right. But you know as well as I do that trust don’t work that way.
This book changed my life, trust me.
Would you like to know the easiest way to destroy everything you’ve ever built in your life? I’m talking from personal relationships you’ve cultivated over the years to the very business you built from the ground up and everything in between. All you gotta do is break trust on a regular basis. That’s it! Once you get that down, everything else comes tumbling down.