Help Creators know God Intimately so they can show God Accurately through their Creativity.

Our Purpose

Hi! I’m Brian Massey. After serving 15 years on a church staff as Creative Arts Pastor, and 10 years at a digital agency as Creative Director, I wanted to create a resource for Creators who loved Jesus and personal growth.

After years of researching, trial and error, and lots of testing, Save the Creators was born! This isn't just a project for me, this is my life! I feel so honored that God would allow me to do this full-time and want to say thank you to everyone who has contributed, encouraged and helped out in anyway. And if you're just now discovering us, welcome! Get in here and let's grow together!

When you say “Creators”, you talkin’ to me?

Yes! But not everybody considers themselves a creator. This term has been connected to "content creators" and resonates more with the artists, creatives, and the entertainment industry. However, I believe all humans are creators and need to be saved. I have spent most of my life following the example of Jesus and meditating on the Bible. After all these years, I still feel I'm in the shallow end of the pool, but I believe I have a mission to share what I've learned with other creators, and create a community in which other Jesus loving creators can share with they've learned in the hopes that we all help one another.

My Value-based behaviors

  • God Imager

    I am the physical representation of the invisible God. My actions effect His reputation.

  • Humble Learner

    Take pride in continuous learning without being prideful in how much I learn.

  • Better Builder

    See what’s been made. Learn how they made it. Make it better.

  • Healthy Lifer

    Live a healthy sustainable life through personal development and role harmony.

  • People Person

    I listen, learn and love humans into becoming accurate Images of God.

  • System Thinker

    Never solve a singular problem. Turn the problem into a process to automate the answer.

  • Live in the lab

    Invention invites failure. To create the lightbulb, you must break some bulbs.